Monday, October 19, 2009

the little cloud that could...

so with the recent failure in the MS/Sidekick cloud i got to thinking...what if?

what if we put our data in a cloud ($billions in data assets)?
what if all that data disappeared?
what would the user experience be like with the data in the cloud?
could we create our own cloud in our Primary Data Center?
should the cloud be "clustered" for application and data availability?

oh well that's what i had running through my head....

feel free to answer the q's above or add more!

EDIT: Very interesting take on the Internal (private) Cloud. Thanks Eric!


  1. You might check out Duplessie's blog - he's got a post on this issue where he points out that many business aren't going to external clouds because of audit requirements, economics, and SLAs. They are building internal clouds, though, because it lets them do more abstraction of IT.

    Here's the link:

  2. thanks Chad. as neat as the whole "cloud" is, it just seems to me as another way to "outsource" and i have yet to see that work for the outsource-ee in the long run. most places that have gone through the outsource cycle have usually wished they didn't after it's all said and done.

    hopefully you find some value in the stuff i post here. you and the other lumenators need to post more on storagemeat!
